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  • Final Post – 10 months on the road and we’re now back home! 🏡 🌲🌻 🐕 🐓

    Arriving in Victoria Harbour from Port Angeles, WA. By this time our sunny day had turned a little cloudy and drizzly, but our spirits could not have been higher!! 🤗

    We rushed right over to Duncan, parked Joey on the street, and caught the last half hour of the Cross Remembrance service at Bethel Baptist Church with Cameron and Anna (our new daughter-in-law to be) That’s Anna playing the piano for the Sunday Easter Service in the videos below 🥰

    I had a fun ‘girls afternoon’ with Anna. We visited a really great thrift shop in Shawnigan Lake. This picture is where Anna teaches piano lessons; also in the beautiful Shawnigan Lake area

    Lynn and I met up with Cameron at his work for lunch one day. Cameron works as a CPA for Royal Roads University which is on the grounds of The Hatley Park Estate. This 565 acre oceanfront Estate is where the Dunsmuir family built the now iconic Hatley Castle as their family home in 1908, and it’s still there today. The grounds are perfectly manicured, there is a beautiful Japanese Garden and many hiking trails through some really cool forests.

    Here are some pictures of the Japanese Gardens that Cameron walks through every morning from the parking lot to his office. He also enjoys hiking the many trails through the forests on his lunch breaks. Such a great place to work!

    We hiked to the Kinsol Trestle just outside of Duncan, near Shawnigan Lake. Completed in 1920, it’s one of 8 trestles along the Cowichan Valley Trail. It is one of the tallest free-standing and most spectacular timber rail trestle structures in the world! 145′ tall and 645′ long! Very interesting history here

    Leaving from our visit with Cameron, we boarded the ferry in Nanaimo for the last leg of our journey through Princeton and Penticton to HOME 🏡

    The next morning I joined Mom and her lovely neighbor ladies for their morning walk – a daily event they all very much cherish! They go every morning, no matter the weather! 🦮 🐕‍🦺 🦮 🐕‍🦺

    I’m feeling sweet sorrow in my heart as I wrap up the final post in this blog. We feel so incredibly blessed to have had the opportunity for this grand adventure! Throughout our travels, we were so often in awe of the beauty in this country we’re so privileged to live in! We’ve seen amazing places and met lovely people as we meandered our way along on this ‘North American Tour’. So many thank you’s are due here, not the least of which would be for the continual prayers of my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Over and over we saw how God kept us safe all along the way, perfectly putting the pieces together as we as we planned our route, booked events, tours, hikes etc … even inserting many unexpected and fun things, making this the ultimate ‘trip of a lifetime’ for us!

    Our youngest and most ‘techie’ son, Cameron created this blog for us to document our travels and I’ve enjoyed posting pictures and stories here more than I ever imagined I would! Although it was time-consuming, I know many people have enjoyed travelling along with us vicariously through this blog and now for us it serves as a treasured memory of our adventures. During our absence our oldest son, Kelvin took on the whole responsibility of the farm and all it’s complexities … no small task to manage on your own while working full time, and along with all the other responsibilities in his life. There were times that Kelvin had to travel for work etc when many of our family and friends moved right into our house and took over everything in his absence. My Mom who made numerous trips here from Penticton throughout the whole 10 months, along with her neighbour Lynn and my sister in law Shanon who both cooked and left meals and cookies in the freezer for Kelvin … Shanon even shovelled snow so my 84yr old Mom didn’t need to do that. Shanon also came along with my Mom and my sister Ruth to help out with the annual church hayride that Kelvin was determined not to have to cancel. My sister Karen and her husband David came for a whole week along with my Mom when she was recovering from a knee injury. They went above and beyond and even cleaned out the chicken coop! Many church members also offered and helped Kelvin when needed, continually inviting him over for meals etc. We just could not be more thankful for all of you that helped Kelvin on the farm with the chickens 🐓 and with Lewis 🐕 The offers are still coming in even! My auntie Marilyn booked a whole week of vacation from her work and is coming along with Mom’s neighbour Lynn again in July when we’re all leaving to attend Cameron and Anna’s wedding … we’re overwhelmed with the love of family and friends! We are so blessed!!

    Lastly a few fun facts … I did my best to keep good records … but of course these ‘facts’ should all end in … ‘ish 🤓 😅

    • 45,163.6kms travelled
    • $4,500 fuel
    • 4 oil changes, and 1 flat tire
    • 4 new hubs and brakes on Joey
    • $5,500 for RV sites
    • 38 Harvest Hosts used – huge $ savings, and the best tourist travel app out there!
    • State of longest visit – Georgia – 6 weeks
    • Furthest extremities visited:
      • Cape Spear, Newfoundland – furthest East on North American Continent
      • Point Pelee, Ontario – southernmost point of mainland Canada
      • Key West, Florida – southernmost point of continental United States
    • Coolest souvenir – Alligator head

    1. Ruth Vermette

      Wow thanks for doing the blog. It’s so great to read about the cool places you visited.
      Can’t wait for the wedding in Duncan and walk some of those trails and see the trestle

    2. Cameron Opperman

      Mark another one down for “blog posts that made me tear up with joy” 🥹
      What an incredible adventure and memories that will last a lifetime. I’m so immensely proud of you guys sticking it out and exploring this beautiful continent where we live!
      Thanking God for His protection and blessings during your time away, and for sweet reunions now that you’re back. Can’t wait to see you all in July!

    3. Karen Gross

      Thank you Corrine and Cameron for all the work it took to produce this amazing documentary on the trip. I have loved following along watching all fun!
      I’m going to watch it all again for sure. It was just…..WOW😃

    4. Marilyn Noel

      What an amazing trip you have had. So much fun following this and seeing all the incredibly beautiful places you have visited. Thank you for taking the time to do this so we all could enjoy 😊

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