FLORIDA Fun! – Daytona, NASA, Disney, Universal, Key West, Everglades, Panacea, Wakulla Springs, Pensacola


We decided since we’re here we should go on a Daytona Raceway Tour
I’ve never watched a car race 🏎 in my life 😁 but man the Tour was sure interesting! I was surprised how much I enjoyed it 🤓
The tour guide told us the track slope is 31°!!
It seemed severely steep when we were driving right beside it!
We were told that designer of the chairs in the stands had the genius idea to make them all different colours so that from a distance it looked like every seat was occupied 😎 🤓
Victory Lane!🏎 🏆 🏅

The Tour tickets included a visit to the Hall of Fame Museum which was also very interesting!

The last race held on the beach was in 1958. In 1959 the first Daytona 500 was held at the new Superspeedway

The next day we went down to visit the famous Daytona Beach where all the action was until 1959

In our opinion, Dayton Beach was it was WAY more cool in the 1950’s than it is today

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER – Leaving Daytona, we didn’t think we had enough time for a stop at the Kennedy Space Center so didn’t even have tickets, but since we were pretty much driving right by it, we decided to stop in. Wow what an incredible place! Good thing we didn’t miss this!

Joey goes to NASA 🚀
This building houses the Space Shuttle until it gets taxied out to the site for takeoff. Zoom in to see the red arrow to the left of the Artemis sign. The red arrow is pointing to a regular sized door! This building is MASSIVE!!
Control Room for NASA’s Apollo 8 Mission, exactly as in 1968
The actual Space Shuttle Atlantis – it has been to space 33 times
Pre-Flight with Chris Hadfield
We did the Space Shuttle simulation and experienced 8½ minutes at speeds of 17,500 miles per hour! Once we were ‘in space’ and everything quieted, the roof opened to a sky full of stars … very cool experience! Almost like we were really there!!
This is an actual count down clock from a past launch located at the main entrance. We stayed right till closing at dusk and figured we saw less than half of what there was to see! So glad we at least squeezed in a few hours there though! Fantastic experience!


Like walking into a fantasyland!
For some reason I just can’t help myself … I have to get in these things! Haha 😁
Lynn actually talked me into going on this ride with him!It’ll be fun he said … 😳 😬 🫨 😵‍💫 🤢
This Safari ride was much more my speed! We did NOT realize we would be seeing live animals! One of out most favourite rides!
They even had a mini Butchart Gardens there!
LOVE Minions … went through this one twice
Of course we HAD to have some Papa Nana Popcorn 🍿
Too fun!!!
This ET ride was also so cute! and so fun!
‘Bourne Stuntacular’ was like watching a action-packed live theater show! Bourne is on a huge stage doing stunts jumping from stage prop building to building, driving a real motor cycle on stage with a huge moving screen behind the stage!  He fights a would-be assassin on a skyscraper, drowns him in a pool, then fights a sniper that’s dangling by a wire from a helicopter the special effects were fantastic! The whole show was very well done!

The Harry Potter section was fantastic!! We were very impressed and it was so fun!

Hogwarts Train Station
Platform 9¾

MIAMI – Next we spent 4 nights in a lovely church parking lot just outside of Miami. We took one day and drove down to Key West to the Southernmost point of Continental USA. Another day we did a bike ride through the Everglades National Park and saw probably more than 50 ‘very docile’ alligators laying all along the sides of the bike trail. We even saw two crocodiles that apparently aren’t really supposed to be there.

Another great Harvest Host Church Parking Lot!
There was a beautiful Courtyard complete with chairs and tables … perfect for morning coffee and bible reading
There were cute little Geckos skittering all about on this beautiful fountain
My “I’m not a mechanic” husband being a mechanic 😂 and keeping our Joey going 😎
We’ve met so many great people especially at these Harvest Host stays
We could not believe how cute this little dude was!!
Lynn noticed there were actual coconuts up in those trees in the field behind us!
So of course he googled that also and decided to give it a go
Which peaked the interest of the two little cutie girls next door
… then their Dad got involved also 😆
Fruits of their labor … mmm VERY good! 😋
A very long bridge on the way down to KEY WEST
Fishermen all along this one bridge
Beautiful aqua green coloured water!
Such a pretty drive!
More unique & colourful coastal houses!
… way up off the ground on stilts!
Saw this massive lobster along the way
Of course I really wanted to climb up onto it, but the sign said no climbing and Lynn said if I tried, then he would leave me there!😂
more interesting trees
Cool old buildings
Narrow streets … a lot of mini cars and motorcycles Needless to say we had a little trouble getting down these streets in the AT4 😳 🫣
Long line up to wait for our turn at this very popular photo-op spot
Had lunch outside at this Hotel
It was a warm, but very windy day
When we were having lunch we noticed people lining up on this pier for pictures
I guess technically is does stick out further into the water than the other ‘photo-op’ spot that actually says ‘Southermost Point’ so we decided to get our picture here also

EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK – Took our bikes this day and rode past probably more than 50 ‘very docile’ alligators laying all along the sides of the bike trail. And two crocodiles that apparently aren’t really supposed to be there

The Lookout Tower was very similar to the Clingman Dome lookout we went to near Gatlinburg Tennessee

SAINT PETERSBURG – Moved up the Gulf of Mexico coast a bit and spent 3 days relaxing here

A little further along the coast for a quick one night stay in a cute little campground enroute to Panacea (near Pensacola). There didn’t seem to be anyone around when we arrived at the campground, but then finally a very friendly long-haired, heavily tattooed, hippy looking, guy sauntered up and directed us where to park, then mentioned that most of the campground guests were at the live music just a 10 minute walk down the street. We set up, then decided to go see what was going on down the street since the campsite was pretty much deserted. Here’s what we found … Haha

stepped right into the 70’s!
just hilarious the places we’ve been and the people we’ve met 🤠 😂

PANACEA – stayed a few days at this beautiful campground just 40 minutes below Tallahassee, literally right on the coast! So beautiful! We certainly wouldn’t have minded spending more time here!

As per his custom, Lynn promptly
befriended the neighbours
each sharing stories and experiences 🤓
Community fires,
interesting, friendly people
and spectacular sunsets!
This beautiful dock was a perfectly lovely and peaceful setting for my morning coffee ☕️
Rejoicing in the day the Lord hath made! 🥰

Somebody mentioned to us that the ‘Jungle Cruise’ at Wakulla Springs was a must see. So during our stay in Panacea we drove out to see it … and yup totally a must see! The beautiful lodge here opened in 1937 and served as a place for training and relaxation for WWII soldiers in the 1940’s. Many actors also stayed at this lodge throughout the 1950’s to 1970’s. The jungle-like swamp was a perfect setting for many Tarzan movie scenes and also for The Creature from the Black Lagoon! Quite interesting history here. Fascinating facts about the Spring that feeds this swamp – one of the largest and deepest springs in the world! The spring comes up through a cave under the viewing platform (that Tarzan is diving off in the picture below), and our tour guide told us it’s 350’ deep and as wide as a 4-lane highway! We didn’t even realize it before we came but apparently the swamp stays at 70° year round so the timing of our visit here was perfect as we got see many manatees that had migrated here for the winter months! Video of a mama and baby below.

Apparently these things we keep seeing everywhere are called ‘Cypress Knees’ … we thought this one looked like it had a face! 😮 😅
A baby! 🐊

Driving through Milton, FL on Saturday I noticed a church – Victory Baptist Church – which was only 7 minutes down the road from our campsite! We ended up attending both the morning and evening services. It was a special Sunday where they had invited evangelist, Chris Simpson to preach. The Doucette Family were also there for this special Sunday so we were blessed by their amazing, god-given musical talent in both the morning and evening services! What a special treat this whole day was for us!

PENSACOLA – Beautiful white sand beaches!

Almost deserted today 😊
Much nicer to visit these beaches in the quiet and less busy months


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