Golden Skybridge Park

In my quest to get more brave regarding heights, I managed to cross two 426’ high suspension bridges! … all my fears of it breaking just as I step on, and me careening to the bottom of the canyon floor thankfully did NOT come to fruition!  This is the dream place for thrill seekers!  Along with the suspension bridges, there is also a zipline, ropes course, mountain coaster, and canyon swing. All proud of myself that I at least managed just the suspension bridges.

Learned how Whistler Resort got it’s name!


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  1. 1
    Ruth Vermette

    Hey you guys, thanks for the blog, it’s gonna be great. Love the pictures especially the one with the hoary marmot. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  2. 2
    Shanon Lind

    Wow that’s a little scary looking! Good for you Corrine. Not sure Gord would do it lol! Love the pictures.

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