Hadassah, a brave beautiful young Jewish girl

‘QUEEN ESTHER’ (Hadassah) – Absolutely magnificent, elaborate live production at the ‘Sight and Sound Theatre’ in Branson, Missouri

Neither of us had ever seen anything quite like this! We were blown away by the whole thing!  You couldn’t take pictures, but honestly they wouldn’t have done it justice anyways. The very authentic-looking sets filled 3 full sides of this huge theatre! The sets would turn and move so that when the actors were walking up stairs on the outside of a building, it would turn and open up to then show the actor coming through a door into the inside of the building! Just incredible! They were apparently the largest sets ever built for a show in this theatre to date! There were live donkeys, llamas, camels, horses … the horses and riders trotted right down the isles among the audience … somehow without even knowing it, we chose awesome seats … they walked right past us!  Even doves were used in the production!  

Esther is an Old Testament book in the Bible and tells the story of Esther, a courageous Jewish girl who – “… for such a time as this” – through her quiet, unfailing faith in God, risked her life –  “… if I perish, I perish” – to save her people from destruction by her influence on her husband, King Ahasuerus. Through her intercession, the Jewish people, God’s people, were saved.  Today, through Jesus’ finished work on the cross, the price for the penalty of sin has been paid, and every human being that repents and calls on the name of Christ can be saved, have a personal relationship with Him, and an eternal home in heaven.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Click here to learn how you can receive the free gift of salvation and a promised eternity in Heaven 😊


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