Leg day in Little Rock, Arkansas

27km out and back bike ride on the Arkansas River Trail and over The Big Dam Bridge

Pretty much our sole reason for coming to Little Rock was to see this bridge built over top of a dam and ride this great bike trail we’d read about that winds along beside the Arkansas River – it did not disappoint!  Beautiful paved paths through parks, past sculptures, over the big bridge, through a rain forest looking area, past swamps, an abandoned quarry, over cute wooden bridges, past a golf course, a skateboard park, high-end houses and marinas, and we spotted the state building across the river … it kind of had everything!

and here’s some stats:  … because I am Evert Lind’s daughter   Haha 😁

The bridge spans the Arkansas River and Murray Lock and Dam between Little Rock and North Little Rock and is open only to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. It’s not only unique in that it is 4,226 ft (1288 m) long; the longest pedestrian/bicycle bridge in North America, but is also the only bridge ever built over a dam, and has never been used by trains or motor vehicles. 

How great would it be if Castlegar could build a bike/pedestrian bridge across Columbia River connecting Millennium to the College and make a loop past the restored Dukhobor bridge … maybe some day

Then if 27kms wasn’t enough for one day, we ended up biking through some trails at the campground after supper. There was this very loud chirping sound everywhere which we learned later was the sound of the cicada bugs mating song … crazy how loud it was! That combined with very thick forest and big vines hanging everywhere made it seem like we kind of half expected to see Tarzan swoop through the trees overhead clinging to one of those thick vines!  😆 Haha


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