LOUISIANA – ‘Deep South’ Experiences! πŸͺ… 🐊

First stop was a small town called Covington where we stayed at another Harvest Host … Abita Brewing Company. We did a little drive about town, saw some very interesting sights πŸ˜‚ … again. If any of you reading this blog are travelling, we highly recommend signing up to a membership on Harvest Hosts. It’s great because a lot of these small towns we’ve been staying in and then finding things to experience there, are only happening because there was an inexpensive Harvest Host to stay at in that town. We had zero desire to visit New Orleans when we discovered it was Mardi Gras week … regardless though, it seemed like all of Louisiana was decorated in Mardi Gras themed colors … so that was fun to see!

pulled into this rest stop and were pleasantly surprised to see discover this lovely photo-op sign
Beer keg tree in the Harvest Host lot with Mardi Gras themed dancing lights πŸ₯³
and a VERY fancy shoe at the Harvest Host check-in counter πŸ˜…
Should get the ‘best decorated House’ prize!
Even the grocery stores were full
of Mardi Gras themed everything
and the town Bakery was in on it too!
These little mini cakes were DELISH!

While in Covington, we found this family run alligator hatchery called Insta-Gator Ranch

Waiting for our tour to start, I was wandering around
and found this guy, which apparently is their a pet turtle, just walking around in the fenced yard! He was huge! It is a Sulcata Turtle
This guy is about 7 months old
He pees on the tour guide! Haha πŸ˜‚

Second one night stop in another very small town called Darrow at another Harvest Host called Houmas House. This is a restored 1800’s Sugar Plantation Mansion Estate and Gardens. We don’t always do what the Harvest Hosts have to offer, but I was very excited about seeing this place. We made a reservation at the very fancy Carriage House for our Valentines day dinner and then signed up to tour the Mansion afterwards. More perfect timing as it was Super Bowl Sunday so it wasn’t busy at all 😊 They told us that Bette Davis and Joan Crawford stayed in the Mansion during the filming of a couple of the movies that were filmed there.

Carriage House
Lynn at our table – we had this whole room to ourselves!
… and again with these massive oak trees!!
It’s just crazy how the branches grow SO far out, then into the ground and back up again! Like nothing we’ll ever see again I’m sure!
There’s Lynn for size comparison πŸ€“
Gentleman’s Reading Chair

We were quite amazed at how much land is just swamp! Houses built right in the swamps and literally miles upon miles of raised concrete highways built up over top of the swamps! Haha … not much solid ground here!

We drove by this small town and decided it was worth a drive through. For some reason I really like walking around old cemeteries – Lynn kindly and patiently waits in the truck for me πŸ˜†

Some pretty cool history in a lot of these small towns!
TFBS – True Friends Benevolent Society. This building is #3 in the plaque above
These are the original ‘Bullet Houses’
Some beauties …
… and some totally cool relics

And the third one night stop was in a tiny old town called Breaux Bridge (we amused ourselves by calling it Beau Bridges, the actor) This Harvest Host was called Champagnes Cajun Swamp Tours. So of course we took this one last opportunity to see some more alligators, turtles, birds etc

This is what they called a ‘Bale of Turtles’
Beautiful and sunny but the wind was chilly
It was so peaceful and pretty out there!
This poor dude was recently in a fight with another alligator. Part of his jaw is hanging loose and the end of his tail is missing
Caught this guy in the act of escaping his tank!
Only managed a few seconds of freedom

After dinner we went for a walk as the sun was going down and met a few other people out there taking pictures of this amazing sunset! One lady that lived nearby pointed out a tree with a perfect hole in it’s trunk … she said this was the result of it being struck by lightning a few years earlier. Amazing timing that we met her there this night to learn this fun fact! I’m sure we would not have noticed this hole otherwise!

Lined the picture so the sun would shine through the lightning strike hole πŸ€“
End to another absolutely blessed day! There’s Joey in the background – in the Cajun Swamp parking lot for the night 😊

… and now on to TEXAS! 🀠


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  1. 1
    Karen Gross

    The whole area is beautiful isn’t it?
    Unexpected for me. Interesting how people found a way to use the swamp land even for building housing.
    Deer hunting from the air😳
    It’s all just really amazing.

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