Epic experiences in New England

Massachusetts – Plymouth, Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard; Maine – Acadia National Park & Bar Harbor; Canada Chocolate!

Full scale re-creation
Quaint neighbourhoods – some of the first houses erected by the Pilgrims restored in original locations
Famous legendary landing place of the Pilgrims
Brewster Gardens
Pilgrim Maiden Statue
Immigrant Monument
Path thru Gardens to the Grist Mill
Re-Construction of original 1636 Grist Mill

Province Lands Bike Trail – first bike trail ever constructed in a National Park. Biked about 10kms of trails through varying landscapes inland through the trees then right out to the ocean. Along the way we kept coming across these little red foxes running about 😳 Really run bike ride!

Provincetown Cape Cod – We visited Provincetown because we wanted to go to the very tip of Cape Cod. Once there we quickly realized Provincetown is about as β€˜far out’ as you can get … in more ways than one πŸ™„ 🫣 πŸ˜– A busy town with β€œall kinds” of people. They were walking, biking, driving; weaving in and out around each other down the very narrow streets – no rules here!  We didn’t stay long πŸš—πŸ’¨ πŸƒπŸΎβ€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸ½

Martha’s Vineyard – Took a fun 30 minute ferry ride over to see Martha’s Vineyard and the famous Gingerbread Houses

The locals call this area the Gingerbread Houses
An immaculate and very colourful, cute cul-de-sac full of all these types of privately owned houses
There was a whole row of these chess picnic tables all along the harbour

Acadia National Park – Drove to Maine to spend the September long weekend in Acadia National Park before heading back into Canada for a couple of months. Wow it was SO busy in Bar Harbor! September long weekend, a Farmers Market and a Craft Fair! It was just a buzz of activity!! πŸ˜… We almost had to zip in our rear view mirrors to get down the main street! 🫣

Bought some fresh goodies at the Farmers Market, then on the way out the musician stopped Lynn when he noticed his Oilers cap – Another oilers fan! Wow! πŸ˜…
We had swordfish tacos for lunch! Delish!! πŸ˜‹
Beautiful morning hike – Cliffs and Beach in Acadia National park

Just crossed the border into Canada and what do I see?!! 🍫 Pretty exciting for a girl whose email address is ceochocolate! πŸ˜‚

Wait … stop the truck!
Business established in St Stephen, NB by two brothers in 1873
Canada’s Chocolate Town?! I almost didn’t get back in the truck!


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    • 5
      Corrine Opperman

      Yes Bar Harbour sure is a quaint, cute, busy little place! We got totally caught up in all the action there for sure! 😁 and I should have bought more chocolate at that Chocolate Museum; it was SO delish πŸ˜‹ and it was gone way too fast! Haha

  1. 6
    Cameron Opperman

    Aint no way the Mayflower was that small 🀯
    That Relive video was so amazing too; you guys see the coolest places!
    I laughed out loud at “stop the truck!” 🀣 Too funny that you found the chocolate town lol!

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