MISSISSIPPI – Some interesting Gulf Coast history

Another stop along the Gulf Coast. We were able to connect with Sue Henderson (Cameron’s ‘Gramma-in-law-to-be’ 😁 Anna’s Gramma) Sue lives in Gulf Port and was so lovely to offer us a spot to park Joey on her church’s property for the duration of our stay there. She even took us on a personal driving tour along Beach Boulevard etc, telling us stories and facts of Hurricane Katrina (Aug.2005) and general history of the area. Before our visit, we for sure didn’t realize the extent of the damage and devastation that Hurricane Katrina caused in this area. It was a very interesting visit here!

We drove and explored all along the gulf coast from GULFPORT to BILOXI to OCEAN SPRINGS


Along Beach Boulevard
Pavilion in Jones Park just off Beach Boulevard, Gulfport
Shows high water mark


Casinos are popular along this coast
We spent a couple of hours in the Visitor Center in background and the Lighthouse Pier lot in the foreground here
A local hero recognized
This for sure has to be the most beautiful Visitor Center I’ve ever been in!
A lighthouse with quite a history
We watched a fascinating 40 minute documentary of Hurricane Katrina in the Theatre room


Hurricane Katrina’s damage to US Hwy 90 Bridge to Ocean Springs
The rebuilt bridge today

Katrina Sculpture Project – Some of the sculptures created from trees killed by Katrina

TrainTastic in Gulport – There were great reviews about this place so we really wanted to go but were a bit worried maybe we might be too old and feel out of place … but nope not at all 😁 Probably 80% of the people in here were our age!

Says it’s the Worlds Largest … It was really incredible! Wish we could have brought kids. Experiencing this place with Liam Stokes would have been a hoot!!
Our lovely, quiet RV Parking spot in Sue’s church parking lot
The Friendship Tree
Mid-week church service
A much needed ‘Girls Day’ … good coffee, fellowship with a new friend and precious sister in Christ, and even a little shopping … too fun!
Saying goodbye … for now 🥰

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