Newfoundland – The Rock

Peaceful, serene, reflective beauty! We felt very comfortable here amongst all the colourful places and the most lovely, musically talented, and friendly people with fun accents that sound very Irish, and sentences that often end in β€œme dear” 😁 Hard to choose, but this just might be our favourite Maritime province πŸ₯° Lord willing, we will return here again. While on this island we split our time between Gros Morne National Park at one end of the island and St. Johns at the other end

Gros Morne National Park

We hiked along the coasts and shores, walked through the cutest little fishing villages, took a boat tour through a glacier-carved, land-locked fjord … all the while in awe of the most spectacular magnificence of Gods creation! 😊 We drove to numerous out of the way small towns where we experienced the most friendly local people!  even got invited to a  $10/plate moose smorgasbord complete with more fun energetic music!  Maritime folks go above and beyond to make visitors feel welcome … we were included and treated as if we were part of their community!

Western Brook Boat Tour through glacier-carved, land locked fjord

After the Boat Tour we drove to the little village of Cow Head where we’d heard they were celebrating their Fall Festival … and it was “not to be missed” πŸ€“ Driving into town the first thing we saw was vehicles parked on both sides of the main road. A group of people had congregated in front of a small Museum where local Newfoundland musicians were playing all manor of different instruments. Between songs they took turns re-telling funny stories that had been passed down through generations of their families.

Moose Smorgasbord at the Church hall where we met many other visitors from far away … even a couple from Elkford!
Every dish that included meat, was moose meat! πŸ˜‹
As we were leaving this lovely old Newfoundlander is offering to give Lynn frozen moose meat to take with us

I really tried to scale down the amount of pictures to include here … but wow it was just all SO interesting and beautiful!

We noticed this odd phenomenon on a drive one day through the Tablelands – one side of the road is is lush green vegetation; the other side is almost completely baron, only rocks. Someone else could explain this much better than me, but just vaguely the reason is something about tectonic plates passing over one another leaving all the nutrients and good soil on one side of the valley and toxic stuff on the other side. Very interesting and odd!
Drove to Trout River on a random recommendation from a fellow traveller
and had a bite of lunch here
4 moose were introduced to the island in 1904. Today the moose population is over 100,000! and somehow I didn’t get to see even one live moose! πŸ™ƒ

Green Point – Fascinating geological cliffs – I struggle to even come up with words to describe what we saw here, and the pictures hardly do it justice … vertical sediment layers of rock, shale, fossils … we walked around and marvelled at the unique beauty at this site! Geological wonder!

Gander, Newfoundland – a one night Harvest Host stopover in the parking lot of the Aviation Museum on route to St Johns on the other side of the Island

Fascinating stories of the passengers that were stranded in Gander on 911

St. Johns – an absolutely beautiful city!

Terry Fox, a Canadian icon – Marathon of Hope – Mile 0 Memorial at the harbour. Our visit to this site was emotional for both of us.  He was such and brave and courageous young man! and still an inspiration today. He ran 5,373kms – nearly a marathon a day for 143 straight days!

Very San Francisco’ish with steep hills, VERY narrow streets and confusing 5-6 entry intersections! So except for the driving, we loved St. Johns!

Saw this adorable little sweetie in a store πŸ₯° too bad she wasn’t for sale
There were murals all over town

Signal Hill – We read about more interesting history here and such beauty! We started out on a trail from the top of the hill not realizing how far it went … ended up going all along the coast, into the harbour, then through a very old residential area that eventually looped us back up to Signal Hill … turned into a 4hr adventure including the random visit with community locals! Anyways we could see Fort Amherst directly across the harbour and Cape Spear in the distance – these were the other two main attractions we wanted to see before leaving St John

Battle of Signal Hill
Construction of Cabot Tower
Cabot Tower today
In the distance we noticed stairs and specs that turned out to be people way out on that point
so down we go … πŸ˜€
Got down onto the point and Lynn realized that Cape Spear is just in the distance – he’s pointing to it
This couple arrived from England earlier in the day on that cruise ship in the background there in the harbour
once out on the point we realized the trail continues …
and still going …
… led right into an old harbour neighbourhood
as we’re meandering through this area along the banks of the harbour we could hear a commotion going on …
turned out it was coming from this house … the door was open and bunch of guys were standing around talking and laughing … what does Lynn do? … just walks right in the door! I’m standing outside thinking “Hey you can’t just walk right into someones house!” 😳
but the owner says to Lynn β€œOh yes come right on in” πŸ˜… Their little house was so full of very old and interesting pictures and artifacts, it was like a museum. The old guys were hilarious, sharing their lively stories of St Johns history!
We stayed and visited with this group of guys for a good while – the conversation covering everything from fishing to travel to hockey! it was a hoot!! These people treat you like you’re a neighbour they’ve known all their lives! Genuine, warm & welcoming, colourful & fun people! We were blown away by such unexpected kindness!
This broom stick looking thing with a rubber boot at the bottom was apparently some type of homemade instrument which they of course had to demonstrate for us!
carrying on through the colourful neighbourhood …
Haha yup πŸ˜… we now have to go
all the way back up & up & up
The Queens Battery
Lynn waving from the top

Fort Amherst

View of the neighbourhood we visited the day before
In the harbour

Cape Spear – Where better to begin the day than where the day begins 🌀 Cape Spear is the easternmost point of the whole continent! Here we got to experience the sunrise first before it rises anywhere else!  We were so excited for this unique opportunity and we won’t soon forget it!  It was a tad chilly and very windy so we were surprised to see about 20 other people out there doing the same thing! As I was walking back to our truck in the parking lot a lady came rushing up to me when she noticed the Champion Chev licence plate cover and BC plates and she could hardly wait to ask if we’d driven all the way from Trail πŸ˜… She and her husband had just flown in the day before; they live in Montrose! 

Beacon on the lighthouse as we’re driving in at 6:30am
First view of the sunrise 6:58am Friday, September 29, 2023
With our backs to the sea, the the entire population of North America is in front of us and only water behind us until Ireland! πŸ€“
Lynn said at this point we were way closer to England and Ireland than we were to home!Β 


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