Nova Scotia

PEGGY’S COVE – We enjoyed a beautiful day here on Sep.12th … 4 days later it was in the news being ravaged by Hurricane Lee! 😳 How did Peggy’s Cove get it’s name?  The story goes … a young girl named Peggy was traveling to Halifax to meet her fiancΓ©e when the ship she was in foundered on the rocks. She was rescued by some local folk, who later when they would go to visit her would say they were going to see β€œPeggy of the Cove”

This picturesque village and lighthouse are among the most photographed places in Canada! We were very excited to be here! πŸ˜€
It rained almost the whole way on our travel day here, then we arrived and God blessed us with the most beautiful weather for our visit here this day!
Alpine Long Horn – very different and eerie sounding.
I think we agreed the most fun we had here was climbing around on all the cool rocks, and just sitting and watching the sea waves
For some reason we like taking pictures of our feet πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ πŸ˜†
Near the end of our time here the fog started rolling in … and it happened fast!
In only like 30 minutes it looked like this
Carved by a local artist into the granite rock in the front yard of a small art studio – as a monument to the hard-working Peggy’s Cove fishermen

LUNENBURG – In 1921 – The original Bluenose ship is built in only 96 days to enter a fishing schooner race between the Canadian Maritimes and the New England states. The Bluenose won the race against the rival American schooner and remained the undefeated champion until the last International Fisher’s Race in 1938.  In 1946 the Bluenose struck a reef while carrying freight off the coast of Haiti and sank. 

In 1963 Bluenose II is built identical to the original with it’s home port in Lunenburg
Lynn getting all the Bluenose history for us
2021 marked the 100th anniversary of the launch of Bluenose, the pride of Nova Scotia and a Canadian icon that has graced our dime since 1937!
We met people from Vernon and Salmon Arm in the Atlantic Fisheries Museum! πŸ˜„
It was a rainy day in Lunenburg, but me and Capt. Seymour Fogg had some fun!
I had run out of my delicious Voykin coffee so we stopped in here trying to find something comparable … the owner has a brother that lives in Nelson! We think we’re so far from home … but alas it’s a small world 🌎
So much fun color in the Maritimes!

CAPE BRETON ISLAND – Only got a few quick hours to experience some of the Cabot Trail while awaiting our midnight ferry to Newfoundland, but we made the most of it

We had dropped Joey off at an ‘RV Daycare’ because we heard this steep and winding road wasn’t really ‘Joey friendly’ 😳 Turned out not to be that bad, but considering our time constraint here, it was much easier and faster moving without Joey anyways 😁
An awesome perspective from up this high!
Managed to get this one fairly quick hike in also … some fantastic views!


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  1. 8
    David MacInnis

    Aww. I love Cape Breton. That is so great to see these photos and hear of your travels. Thanks for sharing. We have a family reunion going on right now but we were unable to go.

    • 9
      Corrine Opperman

      Thanks David, I’m enjoying myself doing this blog! Sorry to hear you couldn’t get away to your family reunion πŸ˜•

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