Quirky Nebraska Roadside Attractions & Discoveries

CARHENGE – Why? Why not! 🤣 – Alliance, NE


Couldn’t resist stopping in to meet the last remaining resident of this town and what a character!  She and her husband purchased this tavern/restaurant in 1971, she now also operates the town library and other various town duties. Apparently she’s “a pretty big deal around here” 😂 and she’s “been interviewed for several news articles and been on tv”.  When we left, I googled her: Travel and Leisure article: Elsie Eiler is determined to keep Monowi incorporated, dutifully completing all of the paperwork to do so. As the only taxpayer in town, Eiler collects from herself to keep the town’s three lampposts lit with electricity and the water flowing. When she applies to the state for her liquor and tobacco licenses each year, she signs them herself as the town secretary and gives them to herself as the bar owner.  Too funny!

MUSEUM OF THE FUR TRADE (of course this stop was Lynn’s vote) – Chadron, NE

bundle of furs

One full room housed a massive collection of guns!  Apparently the largest and most complete collection of guns made specifically for trade with the Indians. Some really great history here! Fantastic collection of artifacts!

DOBBY’S FRONTIER TOWN – Free! – Alliance, NE

“Gimmee a glass of milk and put it in a dirty glass”
tough day on the trapline
Potty Chair? Haha

Parked, got out of the truck, and stepped back into the 1800’s! We wandered through this whole re-created frontier town and almost all of the 27 buildings all by ourselves! 😳 Really interesting set up and a fun insight into the past. Huge collection of artifacts and you could touch and pick up almost anything you wanted! Had some fun here!

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