TEXAS – Friends, Oilers win, John Wayne, Bull Fighters, Cattle Drive, JFK, Holocaust, WWII Women Pilots, Stonehenge Replica

FRIENDS – In Humble, just north of Houston, we spent a couple of days with Sarah & Andrew Cunning and their 3 precious children, Anaya, Avery, and Ezra. Sarah is Pastor Klines daughter, so we’ve known her since she was 6yrs old. Our timing was again pretty amazing since our good friends Tom and Tana Stastny (Sarah’s Grandparents) just happened to be there visiting also! We joined in the fun and thought what a blessing to visit your children’s, children … and their children! Not even sure we’ll experience precious times like this in our own family, but we certainly enjoyed this special visit in Humble Texas!

This is Saul; by the time we left, he was liking us 😁
Swinging fun with Tana

Leaving Humble on route to Dallas we noticed something HUGE in the distance and couldn’t believe the size of this statue when we got up close so pulled into the Visitor Center to have a look.

Sam Houston – 77 feet tall and weighs 60 tons!
There’s Lynn waaay at the bottom there

DALLAS – In October we bought tickets to the American Airlines Center in Dallas to see the Edmonton OILERS vs the Dallas Stars. There was one very excited Oilers fan in the crowd when his team pulled out a 4-3 win in overtime!! 🏒 🤗 🥳

Proud Oiler fan … and didn’t even know yet that they would win!

The winning goal happened so fast the photographer (that’s me🤓) missed it! So here’s the replay 🤗 🥳

When we were in Niagara Falls Lynn was talking to a couple from Dallas that suggested we should definitely go to THE FORT WORTH STOCKYARDS … great recommendation! 🤠

Fabulous John Wayne museum. Everything from birth to death. Very thorough, very interesting!
Especially for any John Wayne fans … and I do know a few of those 😄
My hero meeting his hero 🥰
Lynn looked at this picture and said these guys are the ‘Heavy Hitters’ There was actually no plaque that named each of them but when I asked, he named them without a second of hesitation! L to R: Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, Rock Hudson, Fred Macmurray, John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart last 3 are maybe producers 🤷‍♀️
It’s a pretty sweet life for long horn in Fort Worth … lay around
… then twice a day get rounded up to lumber down the street and be the main attraction! 🐂 🐂 🐂

I only agreed to the ‘Ultimate Bull Fighting’ event Lynn wanted to go to because he promised it wouldn’t be like the horror show we saw in Puerta Vallarta about 25 years ago 😳 So sad 😥 left in tears after the first 10 minutes … hopefully that’s banned now. But this was a show of skill, speed, and acrobatics … the bullfighters were funny and entertaining! 🤠

‘Barefooted Arkansas Hillbilly’ 😂

JOHN F KENNEDY ASSASSINATION – November 22, 1963 We did a walkabout Dealey Plaza, Founders Plaza, and Kennedy Memorial Plaza, then jumped on a Trolley Tour. The Tour covered all 4 days surrounding the assassination.  It took us through the streets of Dallas, down the exact motorcade route of the fateful day. They played original recorded news commentary leading up and after the assassination along with recorded police scanner conversations during the whole timeline of events up to the arrest of Oswald. Also went by the old city jail where, Jack Ruby shot and killed Oswald a couple of days later.

Map of area
Looking up to grassy knoll at Dealey Plaza
Looking out from grassy knoll toward the assassination spot marked on the road with an ‘X’
Pedestal where Zapruder stood filming on day of assassination
‘X’ marks spot of assassination
Looking toward shooter location on top floor of Texas Schoolbook Depository Building
Texas Schoolbook Depository and 6th Floor Museum
Trolley Tour
Founders Plaza
Land title granted to settlers who worked at least 15 acres of land and built a “a good and comfortable cabin” a solid planwe should re-implement this 😊
The Old Red Courthouse

The HOLOCAUST and HUMAN RIGHTS MUSEUM was just a couple of blocks down the street. This was a huge building with three floors full of exhibits, theatres, and interactive stations. The first floor starts off with a short video of Jewish history beginning with Moses 2,000 yrs ago, then up through the rise of Nazi Germany and the sadness and horrors of the holocaust years. A gallery depicting the Ten Stages of Genocide. Recognition of brave ‘Upstanders’ in history. Pic -An authentic WWII Boxcar – Sign here is exactly what I read in the Happiest Man on Earth Eddie Jaku book.

Authentic WWII Boxcar
A walk through the Human Rights wing and the Nuremberg Courtroom
There were numerous of these types of posters throughout the museum recognizing ‘Upstanders’ in history
A Gallery depicting the Ten Stages of Genocide – Very interesting and very scary
Heres’ all 10 stages

In SWEETWATER our Harvest Host was the National WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots) Museum

City welcome sign is on a wind turbine blade! 😄 Very fitting as there were wind turbines as far as the eye could see!
I crashed into the pyramids! 🤪 😆
Brave and determined women!

ODESSA – Went to a really cool Stonehenge Replica on the grounds of the University of Texas. It was built in 2004 in only 6 weeks using limestone pillars. This Replica is an astronomically accurate reproduction of the original Stonehenge in England! It is horizontally the same size, and a few feet shy vertically. The tallest stone in the original Stonehenge is 22′ The tallest stone here is 19′

(Lynn) “Just take the picture” 😂 😂

Odessa is an ‘Oh-MESS-a’ 😝 We were totally shocked at the miles and miles of garbage strewn all along the roadways and through the fields! Unlike Canada, they’re giving out plastic bags at the grocery stores down here like crazy! Somebody needs to get a clean up program going on … sheesh!

plastic bags clinging to bushes
… and not just bags … all kinds of garbage! We even saw full bags not yet broken open, just dumped on the sides of the roads!

Lastly we visited a ‘kind of underwhelming’ Meteor Crater – Apparently it’s only a fraction of the size of the one in Winslow Arizona, but it was here, and it was free, so we went 🤓

Snakes?! 😬 🪱 I let Lynn go first 🤣

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