The Creation Museum; The Ark Encounter

7 C’s of History – Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation. We spent a full 7hr day at The Creation Museum in Petersburg Kentucky. This Museum opened in 2007 and is the brainchild of Ken Ham of the Answers in Genesis Ministry. It is 75,000 square feet of world class exhibits with life-size animated displays bringing world history and biblical history alive, and with such impressive attention to detail! There are special-effects theatres, a planetarium, classrooms etc. Outside there are paved walking trails through acres of beautifully themed botanical gardens, bridges, waterfalls, a playground, zipline and zoo!    

One of the most recent exhibits is a pro-life exhibit called ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’  A very detailed and fascinating walk through each stage of life before birth.  It was sure fun to listen the kids in the family walking just ahead of us as they commented on what they were seeing and then the family discussion that followed as they walked through this exhibit … warmed my heart! 🥰 

Huge Pink Indian Lotus – about 10″ diameter
Life-size & Animated

We went to a show called the ‘Created Cosmos’ 🪐 in the Stargazer Planetarium … a state-of-the-art animation of facts from science and scripture that perfectly point to our Creator.

In a seminar, that seemed like a math class, we learned about the Fibonacci Sequence and ‘The Golden Ratio’ Phi (1.618). The speaker demonstrated a gadget called a Golden Ratio Caliper – very cool device! 

This ratio is everywhere in our world from the perfect ratio measurement of our fingers to the size of our hands, our belly button to our height, our teeth, sea shells, flower petals, the sunflower seed pattern,🌻famous paintings, business logos, the Parthenon, 🏛 and the dimensions of Noah’s Ark … just to name a few that I wrote down. God is a mathematician and an Engineer! 🤓

The next day we drove an hour to Williamstown Kentucky and spent another complete full day experiencing The Ark Encounter park that opened in 2016. The largest free standing timber frame in the world! Large enough to contain nearly 450 semi-truck trailers!

See the Joey to the left in the parking lot? 😁 

I was completely in awe standing at the foot of this authentic replica of Noah’s Ark 😳 It was constructed according to the exact measurements recorded in the book of Genesis –  85’ deep, 51’ high, and 510’ long. Inside the Ark we again saw life-sized animals, Noah and his family, and stunning displays answering many biblical and scientific questions.

We bought tickets and went into the Virtual Reality experience where they give you a headset and it’s like you literally travel back through time while sitting in a ‘motion’ seat with a cartoon robot as your guide to experience what it was like for Noah and his family during the building and loading of the Ark 🦕🕊🦔 🐘We felt like a couple of kids!  It was totally fun! 😁

At the end of two very full days, we bought a couple of books and videos and then headed back to the Joey … some days this retirement travelling stuff can wipe a guy (and even a girl) out!  😅


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  1. 3
    Cameron Opperman

    What an incredible couple days; I didn’t know there were so many neat exhibits and tours inside the ark. Really looks like they spared no expense to demonstrate how everything was back then in a realistic and immersive way!

    • 4
      Corrine Opperman

      Hey, I just realized I could reply to people’s comments Haha 🤓
      Both of these places exceeded my expectations also! SO amazing!

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